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FIAP premiumcare DIAMOND 2500 ml

FIAP premiumcare DIAMOND 2500 ml - preparat klarujący i oczyszczający wodę oraz usuwający szlam i osad denny

FIAP premiumcare DIAMOND 2500 ml - preparat klarujący i oczyszczający wodę oraz usuwający szlam i osad denny

preparat klarujący i oczyszczający wodę oraz usuwający szlam i osad denny

Every pond owner wants a functioning, clear lake with gorgeous plants growing and healthy fish. With
just a few supportive by FIAP premiumcare DIAMOND in the right place to activate self-forces in
your pond and ensure that biological processes are operating cycle again. This is not magic, but a nature
resembling control and stability principle. Microbiological cleaning and maintenance in the garden pond
and water garden - supports nature.
FIAP premiumcare DIAMOND activates the biological decomposition of fallen leaves, dead plants,
fish excrement, uneaten food and other organic residues. To ensure that your pond has been restored to
its former glory.

  • Prevents algae blooms before
  • Against harmful gas formation in the pond
  • For the biological balance
  • Complete pond cleaning of pollutants
  • Biocompatible for fish • Improves the water quality
  • Reduces the formation of algae
  • Dosage 50 ml – 100 ml per square meter of water surface


Dane techniczne:

Pojemność: 2500 ml



price: 269,00 235.00


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13,00 zł


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